How Cuisine Solutions uses Sunhat to Answer Sustainability Questionnaires more Efficiently

Cuisine Solutions

A conversation with:
Lara M.
Lara M.
Vice President of Sustainability
How Cuisine Solutions uses Sunhat to Answer Sustainability Questionnaires more EfficientlySunhat Brand Assets Yellow
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Cuisine Solutions is a leading company in the food industry specializing in the production and distribution of sous-vide products. The company is strongly committed to sustainability by e.g. integrating environmentally friendly production methods and sustainable sourcing practices. Cuisine Solutions operates in multiple locations worldwide.

Sterling, Virginia, United States of America

Food industry

an icon of a purple lightning bolt


The company needs to answer several sustainability customer questionnaires (e.g. CDP). Proper crossfunctional collaboration and having a centralized knowledge database was lacking.

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With Sunhat, they now have a centralized, AI-powered knowledge database and can:

  • collect data collaboratively
  • generate answers

for customer questionnaires.

10 - 15 hours

saved per survey

More transparency

of Sustainability Data through a centralized database


indicators in Sunhat

The Situation 

Sustainability at Cuisine Solutions

Cuisine Solutions aims to drive change in their industry. Together with their customers, partners, and suppliers, they strive to innovate towards a more sustainable future.

They are deeply committed to sustainability — from innovative production mills to cooking methods that produce lower emissions than traditional ones. In 2021, they were named “Sustainable Plant of the Year” and “Best Industrial Project” for their $200 million facility in Texas that features the largest solar installation in San Antonio, stormwater management and a water recycling program. Cuisine Solutions prioritizes innovation and sustainability with each new facility they develop. 

With a worldwide network, they need to be ready to respond to various sustainability questionnaires from customers, such as, the annual CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) questionnaire.

The Challenge

Responding to Questionnaires more Efficiently through Dynamic Data Usage for various Sustainability Requests

With increasing demand for sustainability information — be it through CDP or other sustainability customer questionnaires  —Cuisine Solutions faced a major challenge: it lacked a central place for its growing sustainability data. The company was therefore looking for a solution to create a central database that would also optimize data management processes, improve cross-functional collaboration and ensure compliance with all changing standards and reporting requirements.

Nachhaltigkeit bei Cuisine Solutions

Cuisine Solutions ist bestrebt, die Transformation hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit in seiner Branche voranzutreiben. Gemeinsam mit Kunden, Partnern und Lieferanten strebt das Unternehmen nach Innovationen für eine nachhaltigere Zukunft.

Cuisine Solutions engagiert sich stark für Nachhaltigkeit – von innovativen Produktionsanlagen bis hin zu Kochmethoden, die weniger Emissionen verursachen als herkömmliche. Im Jahr 2021 wurde das Unternehmen für sein Werk in Texas, welches über die größte Solaranlage in San Antonio, ein Regenwassermanagement und ein Wasserrecyclingprogramm verfügt, als „Nachhaltige Anlage des Jahres“ und „Bestes Industrieprojekt“ ausgezeichnet. Cuisine Solutions legt bei jedem neuen Werk, das sie entwickeln, Wert auf Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit. 

Mit einem weltweiten Netzwerk muss das Unternehmen in der Lage sein, auf verschiedene Nachhaltigkeitsfragebögen von Kunden zu antworten, wie z.B. auf den jährlichen CDP-Fragebogen (Carbon Disclosure Project). 

Die Herausforderung

Effizientere Beantwortung von Nachhaltigkeitsanfragen durch dynamische Datennutzung

Mit der steigenden Nachfrage nach Nachhaltigkeitsinformationen – sei es durch CDP oder andere Nachhaltigkeitsfragebögen von Kunden – stand Cuisine Solutions vor einer großen Herausforderung: Es fehlte ein zentraler Ort für Nachhaltigkeitsdaten. Das Unternehmen suchte daher nach einer Lösung, die auch die Datenverwaltungsprozesse optimieren, die funktionsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit verbessern und die Einhaltung aller sich ändernden Standards und Berichtsanforderungen gewährleisten sollte.

Lara M.

“Given the increase in sustainability questionnaires from regulators and customers, we wanted to find a scalable solution to help us respond accurately and timely to quantitative and qualitative data.”

Lara M.
Vice President of Sustainability

“Given the increase in sustainability questionnaires from regulators and customers, we wanted to find a scalable solution to help us respond accurately and timely to quantitative and qualitative data.”

Lara M.
Vice President of Sustainability

The Solution

The Sunhat Moment

Sunhat won over Cuisine Solutions' sustainability team because the AI-based software not only improves their data management, but also offers flexibility and cross-functional collaboration.

Sunhat's software enables Cuisine Solutions' internal data structure to adapt to the diverse sustainability requirements of their global customers. This allows them to efficiently manage their sustainability data and ensure that each response is customized to the specific needs of the requestor. By utilizing Sunhat's advanced technology and flexible data collection capabilities, Cuisine Solutions can consolidate their sustainability data into a single, accessible platform and directly address the challenges of managing sustainability requests.

How Cuisine Solution Uses Sunhat

Cuisine Solutions first used the Sunhat extension to respond to CDP. The extension allows companies to leverage Sunhat’s collaborative features and database alongside the online CDP questionnaire. Since then, the Cuisine Solutions team has been tackling other sustainability questionnaires. The ability to assign tasks and responsibilities gives their team members visibility and insight into the workflow, allowing them to track progress and prioritize tasks effectively.

Sunhat's inbox and project management capabilities enable the team to efficiently handle customer requests and CDP. They support the necessary steps to ensure sustainable progress and long-term results. 

“We appreciate the collaborative features and centralized access to our sustainability database which enables us to respond a lot faster to sustainability questionnaires from customers.”

Lara M.
Vice President of Sustainability

The Results

A Database of Quantitative and Qualitative ESG Data

By integrating Sunhat, Cuisine Solutions will go on to build a database of quantitative and qualitative sustainability data. With each new questionnaire they answer using Sunhat, their data pool gets bigger, leading to the following:

  • Enhanced Response Efficiency: The centralized repository streamlines the creation of responses to incoming requests, whether they require quick replies to customer emails or detailed project management for other platforms, ensuring results that are both timely and precise.
  • Optimized Data Management: Building a knowledge base encourages smooth collaboration across various departments, boosting effectiveness and uniformity.
  • Collaboration For Efficiency: Sunhat offers the opportunity to work collaboratively by enabling conversations and project management features in one place. Be it with the direct team members or with other departments. This ensures that everyone in the company helps to drive this important topic forward.

This enables Cuisine Solution to efficiently answer several customer sustainability questionnaires and CDP.

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